Support underfunded schools in Dallas, TX

About Us

Imagine a world where every child has the opportunity to play sports. That's what we're all about. We're on a mission to bring joy, excitement, and a whole lot of fun to underfunded schools in Dallas, TX.

Everybody Plays was born in the mind of Connor Miller when he was 10 years old. He saw a need for sports equipment in elementary schools for PE and recess.

Connor attends 6th grade in the Richardson school district in Dallas, TX. Richardson educates over 37,000 students, 42% of whom are economically disadvantaged. In addition 37 school in the district currently qualify for Title 1 status.

Connor’s vision is to raise funds in order to provide sports equipment to the underfunded schools in the district and would like to eventually expand into Dallas ISD.


Help us tackle the funding challenge!

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